Violet Watercolor Wash

Violet Watercolor Wash by @chalkboardnails

So, so thrilled with the way modern day violet nails turned out. I wasn't positive if i would be able to mimic the watercolor look I had in my thoughts, but i used to be pleasantly amazed with the outcome! This nail filing used a mix of a splatter approach, the watercolor technique, and freehanding.

Violet Watercolor Wash by @chalkboardnails

Polishes used:
Nicole by OPI Yoga Then Yogurt
OPI A Grape Affair
OPI Do You Have This Color In Stock-holm?
OPI Push & Pur-pull

I commenced with the aid of painting my nails white, and then I brought a coat of short dry topcoat to guard the base while I watercolored.

the use of a palette product of tin foil and running one shade at a time, I blended the purples with acetone. I crammed a bigger nail art brush with the acetone and varnish mixture, and then loosely dabbed it on to my nail. The final touch turned into to fill the comb once more, and then use my finger to flick the bristles over my nail, growing a sort of splatter impact.

Violet Watercolor Wash by @chalkboardnails

Violet Watercolor Wash by @chalkboardnails

More 31 Day Challenge violet manicures:
  • Violet color blocking
  • Purple People Eater
  • Violet hippie mix

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