The flowers are wild at heart

The base color is Kiko 338 Light Lavender and I sponged the tips with Color Club Wild At Heart. The rest is as regular painted with acrylic craft colorings, and the top coat is Seche Vite. The “plants” is more sparse than I usually paint it, however I wanted to provide the holo effect the possibility to play, and IRL it did, although it’s no longer so apparent on the snap shots…
Grundfarven er Kiko 338 Light Lavender og jeg duppede tipperne med den holografiske Color Club Wild At Heart. Resten er malet med akrylfarver, og jeg valgte at ”plante” lidt færre blomster på give up normalt, for at holoen kunne vise sin effekt, hvilket den også gjorde fint i virkeligheden, selvom det er knap så tydeligt på billederne…

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